Student Society of Frazer Institute (SSoFI)
The Student Society of Frazer Institute (SSoFI), formally known as UQ-DISE, is a student-run committee with the purpose of supporting the numerous students, from undergraduate to HDR, studying at the Frazer Institute. Our main goal is to help form connections between students across various types of study and research specialties. Frazer Institute is based off-campus at the Translational Research Institute (TRI) next to the Princess Alexandra Hospital. SSoFI runs various events throughout the year, aimed at promoting a social, inclusive and collaborative atmosphere for all students within the Frazer Institute. Notably, we offer several social and career development events (listed below), and a buddy program to assist new students who are settling into TRI by supporting their transition into the research lifestyle, HDR life and Brisbane.
UQ Oncology (UQOnc)
UQOnc unifies like-minded individuals with a passion for all things cancer-related. We aim to promote research, raise funds, and ultimately improve care and outcomes for those living with or afflicted by cancers of all forms. We provide academic, social, and career-specific opportunities for students in both medical and allied health disciplines.
UQ Radiology Interest Group (UQRIG)
UQRIG aims to increase medical student’s knowledge & exposure to the field of radiology. We want to help you realise your passion for medical imaging by providing networking, research, & educational opportunities!
UQ Critical Care (Crit)
UQCrit is a medical student interest group for Critical Care Specialties (EM, ICU, Anaesthetics). We are primarily an educational society focussed on exposing MD students to the breadth of knowledge and experiences that critical care medicine brings!
Towards Rural and Outback Health Professionals in Queensland (TROHPIQ)
TROHPIQ is Queensland’s rural health club dedicated to helping medical, nursing and allied health students experience the unique career and lifestyle opportunities to be found beyond the big town of Brisbane. We established ourselves in 1994 and have been working towards this goal since then. The club serves students at UQ, QUT, ACU, USQ, CQU.
UQ Paeds
UQPaeds is an organisation for all healthcare students passionate about a future in paediatric medicine. We have 5 main branches: Research Opportunities | Paediatric Education Opportunities | Networking & Mentorship | Clinical Exposure | Community Outreach
UQ Dermatology
Being comfortable in our own skin. Supporting the education and passion of the next generation of skin-savvy medical graduates.
University of Queensland Dental Students’ Association (UQDSA)
UQDSA represents the student body at the UQ Dental School at Herston campus.
UQ O&G Medicine
The future of women’s health. At UQ O&G Medicine, women’s wellbeing and reproductive health are at the forefront of our passion for medicine.
Queensland Pharmacy Students’ Association (QPSA)
The Queensland Pharmacy Students’ Association (QPSA) is a not-for-profit association run by and for pharmacy students at the University of Queensland (UQ). QPSA are based at the Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence (PACE) adjacent to the Princess Alexandra Hospital at Woolloongabba.
Supporting Women in Medicine (SWIM)
For equality in medical school, as doctors and for our patients.
UQ Public Health Association (UQ PHA)
UQ PHA is a faculty-based student society for undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in talking or learning about public health, health sciences, environmental health or other related areas.
Towards International Medical Equality (TIME UQ)
Towards International Medical Equality (TIME) is a not-for profit, formally registered charitable organisation, targeted for students from the University of Queensland (UQ) who have an interest in global health.