Students of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience Association (SIMBA)

SIMBA is a student-led organization that aims to assist any and all students who are studying at IMB or who are interested in studying at IMB. SIMBA facilitates professional development and camaraderie among Students at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB). SIMBA both represents and advocates for students at the IMB and throughout the University. .


Students (honours, masters and PhD) who are currently working at IMB or new students who expect to work as a student at IMB are eligible to join

Meetings are fortnightly every Thursday at 1 pm on level 3 in the Multimedia room (3.141) at IMB). Alternatively, come send us an email at [email protected] or reach out to us at any of our socials

  • We hold many social events and academic events at IMB. We run:
  • IMB’s weekly rooftop drinks
  • Student symposium (a day to present your research and network with students and postdocs alike)
  • Trivia night
  • Hills to die on (a night to present your strongest opinions on inconsequential topics),
  • Last lecture series (hear from renowned science figureheads who share their journey as an academic)
  • And more!


Faculty (All)


Networking, professional development, social

Membership Fees




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