UQ Travellers Club (UQTC)

Welcome to the official website of UQ Travellers Club, a vibrant student club where students get a chance to escape the university stress and explore the best of Australia. Discover the beauty of both popular and offbeat destinations along side other like-minded travellers. Our club organises trips to showcase the breathtaking landscape of Australia. Beyond sightseeing, we also help foster a community of friendship and personal growth with various games and events on campus. We encourage participation from all walks of life – from nature lovers to history enthusiasts, adrenaline junkies to curious souls seeking new connections, there’s a place for everyone within our club.

At the Travellers club we believe that travel has the power to transcend boundaries, broaden horizons, and forge lifelong connections. Travelling is not just an escape from life but also to ensure that life doesn’t escape away from us. Our club provides a simple opportunity to take a pause from the stressful everyday mundane life and immerse in nature’s tranquil allure. Amidst landscapes adorned by serenity and majesty, we find solace and inspiration.

Our club is a travelling community that unites like-minded individuals who share a passion for exploration, adventure and cultural exchange. We value inclusivity and celebrate the diversity of its members.

Through our meticulously planned trips, we venture beyond the familiar and immerse ourselves in diverse cultures and awe-inspiring landscapes. Whether it’s a day trip to a nearby destination or a weekend getaway, each journey is carefully curated to create an environment where individuals can learn, grow, bond, connect – all while travelling on budget-friendly trips.

Join us as we embark on this incredible journey together to uncover hidden treasures and create unforgettable memories. The UQ Travellers club awaits you ready to set sail on an adventure that will change your life forever. Let us explore the world, one destination at a time.


Hobby/Special Interest


Travelling, Nature, Adventure, Social

Membership Fees




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UQ Travellers Club primarily focuses on exploring the beauty and wonders within Australia, starting from places near Brisbane. Our main emphasis is on taking trips to various destinations to places near Brisbane showcasing both popular and offbeat locations. We believe that Australia has a diverse and captivating landscape that deserves to be explored.

Absolutely! One of the primary aims of the UQ Travellers Club is to make travel accessible and affordable for students. We understand the financial constraints that students often face, so we meticulously plan our trips to ensure they remain budget-friendly without compromising on the quality of experiences.

The UQ Travellers Club understands that academic commitments are a priority for students. Therefore, we carefully plan our trips to avoid major exam periods and important assignment deadlines. While we can’t guarantee complete alignment with individual schedules, we do our best to ensure students have the opportunity to join trips without it significantly affecting their academic responsibilities.