
For more than 20 years WordsRU has been providing professional academic editing worldwide. We can assist you with a variety of editing needs for essays, research papers, theses, dissertations and other documents, while adhering to your required style guidelines.


7 reasons to choose WordsRU:

  1. Exceptional customer service
  2. Professional editors
  3. User-friendly website
  4. Free sample edit with your first job (for jobs over 5,000 words)
  5. Deadline guarantee
  6. Excellent reviews: 4.93 / 5 stars
  7. Secure website


Whether you require a light proofread or a heavy edit, we will help you make a lasting impression on those who assess your work. To receive a quote, just upload your document at https://wordsru.com/submit-job and provide the voucher code UQU10 to receive your University of Queensland Union discount.