UQU Student Rights Collective

UQ Union Student Rights is committed to representing and fighting for UQ students’ rights to the University, the government, and other stakeholders.


Who are we?

The UQ Union is the peak representative body for students studying at UQ, and the Student Rights portfolio is delegated responsibility for representing and advocating on academic and welfare issues. The portfolio is run by your Student Rights Vice Presidents, who were elected by you!



Over the years, Student Rights has also brought you many initiatives: our free breakfast bar and free dinner program, Morning Marmalade and Kampus Kitchen; discounted groceries at the Food Co-Op; Placement Bursaries to support students on placement who are in poverty; providing support during exams; and much more.


Student Rights Collective Reports

Each month, we’ll be sharing updates and progress we’ve made towards ending student poverty and advocating for the welfare of students just like you.

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