Stress Less & Colour In

Your time at the University of Queensland is filled with fun times, new friendships and warm and fuzzy memories (aww!). It’s also a time that sees you go through some periods of high stress as you work on assessments and study for exams. Talk about peaks and troughs!

When you are in a higher stress period (hello, SWOTVAC!) it’s important that you take some time for yourself, to de-stress and reset. It’s not about procrastinating. It’s an investment in your health and energy that will make you more productive for that all important last-minute cram session.

One way you can stress less is to take a second and do a colouring in. Colouring in is not just for kids anymore; it’s become a hugely popular form of mindufulness and relaxation for adults too. And it makes sense why!

When we are creating something, even a colouring in, our mind becomes focused on the task, you can start to lose sense of time and self and just let your creative juices flow. There is research that suggests that being in this state is almost meditative and can reduce anxiety, boost your mood and even slow your heart rate! When you have completed it and can see the result, your brain releases chemicals that make us feel happy and accomplished. These are all key things that will contribute to you reducing your stress levels.

To get you started, we’ve created a University of Queensland colouring-in sheet! So pick up those colouring pencils, stress less and colour in!

Download Your UQ Stress Less & Colour In Sheet

We’d love to see your creations! Make sure you snap a pic and tag us on Instagram (@uqunion).


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